Dyslexia and the Brain

Dyslexia is not:

  • a vision or hearing issue
  • seeing words/letters backwards
  • attributable to limited intelligence
  • due to low motivation or limited effort
  • due to poor teaching
  • rare (in actuality, one in five students have some characteristics)
  • a condition that can be outgrown
  • not related to intelligence

Dyslexia is:

  • common - it affects 10 - 20% of people
  • a spectrum - there are varying degrees
  • the inability to recognize sounds in words
  • trouble matching letters and sounds
  • can have genetic factors
  • affects males and females equally
  • neurological (the brain)
  • related to other neurological conditions such as: dysgraphia (difficulty encoding); dyscalculia (difficulty understanding numbers); and sometimes ADD/ADHD
  • Can be treated with the correct interventions, people with Dyslexia can learn to read and write
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