Dyslexia-Separating Facts from Myths

Myth: Public schools do not serve students with dyslexia.

Fact: Dyslexia is a condition related to reading difficulties.  It is specifically named in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Kansas Special Education for Exceptional Children Act, and Kansas Administrative Regulations under the definition of specific learning disability.  Students who met the definition of one of the categories of exceptionality, such as specific learning disability, which includes dyslexia, and, as a result of that exceptionality need special education and related services, may receive those services through established state and Federal laws in public schools.

Myth: All students with dyslexia qualify for special education services.

Fact: Dyslexia occurs in 15-20% of the population and ranges from mild to severe.  Some children who are mildly impacted will not qualify for school-based services while others with moderate to severe impact may qualify for special education or other supports that are available through general education.  However, it is important to understand that some children with dyslexia achieve at an average or above-average level and do not qualify for school-based services.

Information provided by the Kansas Association of Special Education Administrators (KASEA).  January 2017

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