Standards Based Grading

This guide is designed for you, the parent of an elementary student, to help you understand how student progress will be reported in re-kindergarten through second grade in 2017-18.

Your child's classroom teacher will be reviewing the report card with you at parent-teacher conferences, in the spring but please do not hesitate to ask your child's teacher if you have other questions.

What is a standards-based reporting system?

  •  The standards-based reporting system is different from a traditional A, B, C system. It is based on a specific set of standards that students need to meet for each grade level. Marks are not a comparison of one student to another but rather a way to measure how well students are doing on grade-level standards. This helps all students strive to meet high expectations.

Why are we using a standards-based report card?

  •  Topeka Public Schools District made its last major revision to the report card in the mid-1980s. Since that time, there have been changes in the district curriculum standards, the addition of the Kansas College and Career Ready Standards and the state Grade Level Expectations.
  • Based on research, the Topeka Public Schools District decided to implement as standards-based reporting system for the following reasons:
    • A standards-based report card identifies essential standards that are to be learned at each grade level.
    • It provides students, parents and teachers with an accurate report of progress towards meeting each standard.

What will this do for my child?

  •  Your child will know what is expected in his or her learning.
  • Teachers across the district will have the same understanding of what each child should know and be able to do at each grade level.
  • You, as a parent, will understand the expectations and be able to provide support at home.

Marking System

  • K-5 Performance Level Descriptors
  • Advanced (Adv) - Consistently exceeds the grade level standard
  • Proficient (Pro) - Consistently meets the grade level standard
  • Developing (Dev) - Occasionally meets the grade level standard
  • Beginning (Beg) - Does not meet the grade level standard
  • Items left blank are not assessed at this time.


Standards-Based Information Links

Ask the Grade Doctor

ASCD 7 Reasons for Standards-Based Grading Article

Standards-Based Grading Literature

The Challenges of Standards-Based Grading

Standards-Based Report Card Research Brief

Marzano Research

Educational Leadership: Effective Grading Practices

Reading Level Correlation Chart


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