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Search World Book Online
Pick your Level or the World Book resource which most fits your information needs
- (Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos is available through this link)
- World Book Mobile, World Book Kids, World Book Student, World BookAdvanced,
Early World of Learning, World Book Timelines
- User name: tps501
- Password: library
Middle and High School scholars can search our Gale Group databases
- Sign in with your Google email address and Google password
- Pick the database that fits your information needs

The State Library of Kansas
- For elementary students: The State Library of Kansas offers a wide variety of student friendly resources
including Scholastic Bookflix (animated picture ebooks with a related non-fiction ebook ) and Britannica
E-Stax (non-fiction ebooks). Other resources include Britannica School, Encyclopedia Britannica Escolar,
World Almanac for Kids, Mango Languages etc.
- For middle and high school students: The State Library of Kansas offers a wide variety of digital
resources including sites for "general research", "skill builders", "social studies", and
"literature and arts", and resources in Spanish.
- Please contact your school library media specialist to get a State Library of Kansas eCard
The Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library
The Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library offers a variety of digital learning and entertainment resources.
Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library Partnership
During the enrollment process for the 2019-2020 school year, many students were automatically signed up for a
digital library card to the TSCPL. We are working on providing instructions for taking advantage of this sign up.
If your student has not used this access, please contact your school library media specialist, who can
provide instructions for taking advantage of this partnership. This allows students to check out
ebooks, audiobooks, movies, and more from the Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library.
Getting a Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library Card
If your student did not get an account at the time of Fall Registration, parents can register for a library
card for both themselves and their student(s). Check out all the services they provide to the community.
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