Concern about Materials and Resources

Challenged Media Center Resources

Occasional objections to instructional resources will be made by the public despite the care taken to select valuable resources for student and teacher use and the qualifications of the persons who select the resources. 

If a complaint is received about media center materials, the procedures are as follows:

  1. Be courteous, but make no commitments.
  2. Invite the complainant to file the objection in writing by filling out and returning the district's Request for Reconsideration of Instructional Materials/Resources
  3. Temporarily withdraw the material, and put in on reserve in the school where the complaint is received or limit access to the questioned resource, p-ending a decision of the committee. The resource will not be withdrawn for re-evaluation unless the complaint is made in writing
  4. Inform the principal and the coordinator of media services promptly
  5. The principal of the building where the complaint was initiated will appoint an instructional resources re-evaluation committee consisting of the principal, media specialist, coordinator of media services, at least one teacher and one parent or lawful custodian of students attending the school from the subject area, and a teacher of the subject area. This committee will:
    1. Read and examine the resource in question
    2. Check general acceptance of the resource by reading reviews
    3. Compare values and faults and form opinions based on the resource as a whole and not on passages pulled out of context.
    4. Hold a hearing with the complainant(s) if a hearing is requested.
    5. Following the hearing, meet to discuss the resource and to prepare a report of recommendations and supportive comments.
    6. File copies of the report in the school, with the coordinator of media services, and the assistant superintendent of teaching and learning.
  6. The principal of the building where the complaint was initiated will send a copy of the committee's report to the complainant with an explanation of the district's actions concerning the complaint.

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