January 4

List of pre-recorded offerings 

The following sessions were the prerecorded workshops presented during the January 4th professional learning day. Clicking on the session title link will open the YouTube video, clicking on the presenter(s) name will email the presenter. To open in a new window, right-click on the link and select "Open link in new tab".

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Session: Empowering Student Learning using Lesson-Level Learning Intentions and Success Criteria

Presenters: Delora Nichols, Heather Garey

Description: Secondary ELA teachers will review the concepts that drive learning intentions and success criteria. Teacher clarity is a powerful tool for teachers to think deeply about what to teach and why to communicate learning as well as what success looks like to students. Teachers can narrow and focus their instruction, cutting away elements that don't advance learning.

Session: FastBridge Reports for Elementary Teachers
PresentersHannah Taylor
Description: This session is intended for K-5 classroom teachers or anyone else who would like to learn more about FastBridge reports.

Session: Managing Your Google Storage Space
Presenters: Gail Ramirez
Description: Google will soon be limiting the amount of space we have available for storage. This includes our Google Drives and in Gmail. Learn how to find out how much space you are using and get started deleting old files and emails. Let's get it done before our files get auto deleted!

Session:Meeting Students Where They Are: Trauma Informed Approaches i Post Pandemic Schools
PresentersLori Vawter
Description: This session is intended for Nursing Services staff who deliver nursing services to students throughout the district. Participants will gain a greater understanding of the impact the pandemic has had on students' emotional and maturational growth. Intervention techniques will be provided to enable participants to establish and maintain a positive impact on student health and wellness.

Session: Medication Safety Practices at School
PresentersLori Vawter
Description: This session is intended for Nursing Services staff who administer oral medications to students throughout the district. Participants will gain a greater awareness of the importance of administering oral medications safely and efficiently. Documentation and the Six Rights of Medication Administration will be reviewed.

Session: MINK: Engaging in Argument from Evidence - Session 1
PresentersKris Kilibarda
Description: This session is intended for secondary science teachers. Participants will get an overview of how to use the argumentation from evidence practice from NGSS.

Session: MINK: Engaging in Argument from Evidence - Session 2 (MS)
Presenters: Kris Kilibarda
Description: This session is intended for middle school science teachers. Participants will dig deeper into the argumentation from evidence practice and observe how educators are using this practice in the classroom with students.

Session: MINK: Engaging in Argument from Evidence - Session 2 (HS)
PresentersKris Kilibarda
Description: This session is intended for high school science teachers. Participants will dig deeper into the argumentation from evidence practice and observe how educators are using this practice in the classroom with students.

Session: MINK: Engaging in Argument from Evidence - Session 3 (MS)
Presenters: Kris Kilibarda
Description: This session is intended for middle school science teachers. Participants will continue to dig deeper into the argumentation from evidence practice and observe how educators are using this practice in the classroom with students.

Session: MINK: Engaging in Argument from Evidence - Session 3 (HS)
 Kris Kilibarda
This session is intended for high school science teachers. Participants will continue to dig deeper into the argumentation from evidence practice and observe how educators are using this practice in the classroom with students.

Session: PK Picture Books Across the Curriculum
 Hannah Taylor
Description: Participants will receive an overview of the importance of picture books and how they can benefit their students. Additionally, participants will walk away with strategies for how to incorporate picture books across all content areas within their classroom.

Session: Stop the Bleed
 Lori Vawter
Participants will gain the ability to recognize life-threatening bleeding and learn how to intervene effectively. Techniques and strategies to manage severe bleeding will be demonstrated and discussed.

Session: The IEP and How it Relates to Virtual Learning
 Richard Bolejack
Students are moving toward a non-traditional approach to learning through the virtual model. This pre-recorded session will provide direction to primary implementers who are writing IEPs for students who are learning through virtual instruction.

Session: The Kansas Historical Society's K-12 Educational Resources
 Austin Williams
Description: The Kansas Historical Society provides classroom materials and opportunities for class visits that address social studies topics in Kansas history. Join KSHS Curriculum Coordinator Austin Williams for a breakdown of the educational resources that the Kansas Historical Society has to offer. Williams will cover everything from classroom materials to online repositories and he'll be joined by Nate McAllister with the Kansas Department of Education and Adam Topliff of Wamego High School to discuss how KSHS curriculum resources can be used for the 2021-2022 HGSS Classroom Based Assessment for 4th, 7th, and 11th grades.

Session: Trauma-Informed Practices using a Mindful Approach
 Victoria Peoples, Rebecca Trapp-Marquez
Description: Participants will learn how to cultivate skills of being with each moment of their life. Even the most difficult ones, with a serene mind and a calm body. Participants will practice mindful skills, including breathing, focus and body awareness. 

Session: What Every Teacher Needs tp Know About Phonics and Decoding
 Robin Dixon
 This session will review the process of learning to read. It will begin with phonological awareness and end with decoding multisyllabic words.

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